I have just set up this blog and so am very much a newcomer to this aspect of the online world. Having stated that, however, I will confess to having spent the past several years visiting and reviewing close to 700 cafes and restaurants worldwide......but predominantly in New Zealand. I have been publishing my reviews on a New Zealand website and this has proved to be a very worthwhile endeavour. Many have said to me that I should start a blog so I can rant and rave and, god willing, entertain others by rambling on about a whole range of subjects, not just food and wine. How this is going to work out in the end I don't know and must advise that I have had some misgivings about blogging given that Twittering seems to be an abject waste of time....yes, I realise that one is confined to 140 letters and spaces when Tweeting but it oft seems like such a banal, fruitless pastime. Furthermore, once you hit the 2000 mark in terms of people you are following Twitter stops you from following any more until you are followed by additional people. I have struggled to collect more than 1400+- followers and am fast losing interest as the service now has lost its appeal. Anyone else feel like this?
Anyway people I do hope you'll find my writings interesting enough to read on a regular basis. If not then do tell me, politely of course, what is lacking. Never too old to learn...
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