Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Pomeroy's Pub

That very English style pub so quietly yet quixotically secreted away so close to inner city devastation on Kilmore St. It’s there for us all to enjoy and judging by the numbers on the Sunday night our small group visited it’s not much of a secret!
What a gal! This old red brick bastion of the beverage, a place where conviviality and slap up cuisine meets is somewhere deserving of your attention if you’re looking for love...just kidding.....looking for a sense of local history, a good choice of wines and beers(especially) and you want to eat while drinking...and,of course, socialising.
I contend this is a place for all ages. I was there with my 20 year old daughter and her boyfriend and they thought it was a “pretty cool place”. (She’ll kill me for associating her with those words..)
If you want to be wowed you must opt for the Pomeroy’s Platter. A big, man-sized rectangular platter with a large selection of edible finery. There’s salmon, olives, cheeses, ham, salamis, fish, pickles, caramelised onions, spreads and breads.....and more. Very much a stunning, tantalising offering that will be sure to draw you back time and time again.
In the busy dining room I went for a Pomeroy’s Big Beef Burger as I felt it was time to pay homage to well-known DineOuters Paul & Helen, those meat-eating, chip lovin’ gourmets.(I’ve always liked their anti-vege comments which I am sure are made with good humour).
Anyway, this burger was comprised of a 250gm homemade Angus beef patty with bacon, lettuce, tomato and cheese, confit onion, aioli & BBQ sauce and, of course, a small wheelbarrow of fries. It took me back to El Celler de Can Roca in Spain...just kidding again...
To prepare the food channel for the assault I vigorously sipped (gulped more like)a Bohemian Merlot from Havelock Hills and the result was surprisingly satisfying. I was able to hack happily into the hamburger bun, shred the lettuce with what I felt was the theatrical skill and speed of a Ninja warrior well out of his apprenticeship and munch the already minced beef with unabashed abandon.
A pleasant evening was had and I can but urge you all to get off the couch, turn off the television, clothe your offensive nakedness and get to Pomeroys at once to engage with your fellow man, bathe in the wonder of social interaction and enjoy a drink and bite. Rebuild your sorry lives! Victoria is waiting for you....

1 comment:

  1. Dear Mr Lu
    Always enjoy reading your amusing anecdotes and descriptions of your meals. Ann
